Do you feel attracted to crystalline Energies? Do you feel a call to work with them and explore their universal role, relationship to all life, relationship to consciousness, and ability to resolve any problem in our world? You may want to look at what the Crystalline Movement offers to support you in working and exploring these crystalline energies.
This program was created at Mother Earth's request. The name Crystalline Movement was chosen because, according to her, the crystalline energies are the foundation for entering a new world. We are beginning to understand what that means.
The essence of all planets in the Universe is that they are crystalline, which is also valid for Mother Earth. Our world is crystalline, meaning that all life on Earth depends on crystalline energies. We all connect with these energies, but most people are not or hardly aware of them and are not working with them. Worse even, due to our lack of understanding, we disturb the crystalline energies through our activities and negatively affect the energies on which we depend. To create an optimal, energetic environment to live in, we need to learn to understand crystalline energies more optimally, work with them, and restore the damage we have done. Also, we learned that crystalline energies have a potential beyond our current understanding, inviting us to expand at all levels of our being.
If you are interested in exploring crystalline energies, supporting Mother Earth on her evolutionary journey, and personal growth and expansion of consciousness, you may be interested in the Crystalline Movement. People from 19 countries have already joined (for an overview of the members locations, click here).

Activation of Crystals and Crystal Skulls
Many who are interested in crystalline energies start by working with crystals or crystal skulls. It starts with exploring crystalline energies in which everyone goes as far as is aligned with their ability and understanding.

A key element of working with crystals and crystal skulls is activation. I define activation as the expanding connection with the potential of a crystal or stone. This activation results in an energy field with layers around a stone or crystal. These layers increase with an increasing connection to the potential (activation). These layers are organized in groups of 12. Stones and crystals from different materials have different groups of 12 layers, varying from one to six. These groups of layers form a foundation for understanding crystalline energies and their role in our world.
The “Worlds” connected with Mother Earth
Many traditions talk about the existence of four worlds. While this seems an unlikely belief, studying consciousness, grids, and vortexes confirms these beliefs. We see the presence of four worlds also reflected in crystalline energies. Each world resonates with crystalline energies and grids of different frequencies.
A part of the belief about the four worlds is that we are at the end of the fourth world and moving toward a new or fifth world. We recently discovered new crystalline energies that support the development of a new world. Working with these energies will be an increasingly important part of the Crystalline Movement.

Megaliths are an essential part of the crystalline grids in their different forms. We are recognizing their importance and include them in the activities of the Crystalline Movement.
The Crystalline Council
The Crystalline Council guides all the work in the Crystalline Movement. Without initially realizing it, they guided all our work with crystals and crystal skulls. When I became aware of them, I believed that the Council was a group of Beings from 12 star systems who worked through portals to provide the original information for the crystal skulls. I found the locations of the portals of these 12 star systems, which you can see on the map below.

It took many years to understand that my view of the Council was too limited. While they also support work with crystal skulls, their primary function is to support the work with crystalline energies, not only on our planet but also throughout the Universe. They help us understand that crystalline energies are the foundation of all life here on Earth and everywhere else in the Universe. That is a crucial element of the work in the Crystalline Movement. It emphasizes the importance of opening ourselves for their support.
The Crystalline Movement Membership
If you want to work with a group of people on crystalline energies in a way that amplifies and supports all, a supportive structure is essential. The Crystalline Movement provides that structure.
The Crystalline Movement is a member-based part of the Center of Metaphysical Ecology. Supporting Mother Earth is a significant task; we aim to continuously develop the Crystalline Movement and attract more members to increase our impact.
Because supporting the evolution of Mother Earth is so important, we want to reduce the barrier to becoming a member as much as possible; therefore, the lifelong membership fee is only $49.90. The membership includes many support systems to help you develop your abilities optimally.
Seven free online courses form the main support system:
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 1): Crystalline Grids and the Crystalline Energies of the Fourth World
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 2): The Crystalline Energies of the Third, Second, and First Worlds
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 3): The Crystalline Council Energies in the Four Worlds
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 4): The First and Second Wave Crystalline Energies (was Part 3).
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 5): Expanding into Higher Dimensions (The Third Wave Crystalline Energies)
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 6): The Fourth Wave Crystalline Energies
- The Crystalline Movement (TCM 7): The Fifth Wave Crystalline Energies
Additional benefits:
A weekly Zoom meeting to receive new information, participate in a guided meditation, and have Q and A
A members-only Facebook page to share ideas. There are several subgroups for a few countries which also organize activities.
Access to the recordings of all previous Zoom Meetings, amounting to a large volume of information, and access to many meditations (Currently, we are making an index of all topics and meditations).
A discount of $50.00 on the "Live Without Fear" course, so you pay only $39.00.
Discounts on all online courses, both existing and future ones.
Information and enrollment
There are a few additional sources for more information, such as the following YouTubes:
It Works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWafhqXYOM0
Explore Crystalline Energies; The Foundation of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22pKaQPu-ZM.
To enroll: https://courses.centerformetaphysicalecology.com/courses/40b07aab-8862-4478-89ac-d29cb25f47d0/checkout/price-eea7AsGYxlWFolVgicSI3g
When you enroll, you will have access to all seven courses. You will receive a welcome letter that provides additional information.
If you have questions, ask Jaap
The following video also gives an introduction to the Crystalline Movement.
“I really love being part of a wonderful community of like-minded people and working together as one with and for Gaia…I learned that I am not alone in this and the weekly zoom gatherings strengthen my connection to the group. I have no doubt that my efforts and contributions have made a difference. The field is a wonderful place to be in and worth it in itself. I have learned so much from the training, the zoom meetings and the group. Being part of The Crystalline Movement is an amazing opportunity to deepen one’s understanding with crystals and to be a service to humanity and to Gaia.”
A. L, Ottawa, Canada
“Being part of the crystalline movement is versatile. We discover, work, and learn together how we can support the crystalline energies. I met so many new friendly people who feel the same. It is also a personal growth path. I’ve learned how to use crystals and stones to balance my system with the frequencies of the crystalline grid. There is more focus, creating a more intense connection with subtle earth energies, sacred places and other (energy) beings. I have contributed with great pleasure, amazement, and have experienced beautiful moments. I look forward to what the Crystalline movement will mean in the awakening of our beautiful mother earth in the nearby future.” K T., Killarney, Ireland
"The Crystalline Movement is a stunningly big idea made real through the training and practical efforts of individuals who care about the Earth. There are many things to love about being a member of the Crystalline Movement: the supportive community; the wealth of information available in the course; Jaap's gentle guidance and his emphasis on trusting one's own intuition and experience, as well as valuing each individual's unique abilities; the great opportunities for personal growth and collaboration; and, finally, the ability and opportunity to make a positive difference for oneself, the Earth, and all of us that support and depend on her." C. H., Phoenix, Arizona USA
"I learned that I am the catalyst that makes things happen as nothing can happen unless we set the energy into motion through the conscious setting of our intention. Speaking to and addressing the grids brought another dimension of connection along as it allowed me to become one with the energy grids instead of experiencing the feeling of being separate from it all. All my senses kicked in and I could literally at times sense, feel and touch the energy which is a beautiful experience.
The information in the course material together with the weekly sessions allowed me to play with the different energies. The constructive feedback and challenges of other members brought another beautiful dimension to the training sessions. Collectively we can achieve so much more, the course material of the CM has divinely set into motion the next step of my soul’s journey." J. S., London, England UK
"I love being part of the Crystalline Movement – and feel grateful that you are doing this important work of connecting us, so we are able to do something for our Mother. I understand that personally I am only at the beginning of a journey – I always felt drawn to crystals, but never found a way to really work with them. The path you have shown; this framework to work within, was just what I needed...I am very grateful that you are always emphasizing that we are all unique and contributing in our own way – this is good for someone like me, who is always thinking that everybody else is doing everything better than me, are more skilled." I. A. Aarhus, Denmark
"Being a member of the crystalline movement, I became much more aware of the energy system of mother earth and how she is functioning and above all, how we as humans are functioning within her system (actually being part of it). Besides that, I got to know some wonderful people in my area with whom I can relate to and we can practice what we learn in the course together. This way we can contribute together to the restoration of the crystalline energies." L. E., Leiden, Netherlands